Mastering Jenkins: A Guide to Continuous Integration
Jenkins is a CI/CD (Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment) tool which helps the developers to test, build and deploy their code.
Issues before Jenkins
Before the arrival of Jenkins, the below lifecycle was followed
Many developers from a project used to commit their code without testing individual modules
Integration process with the repository was very difficult
Project releases were infrequent
Without any feedback they didn't know if their code would introduce any bugs.
After Jenkins
Continuous Integration have made life easier for developers where they can test their code for each enhancement, check the build
Releases have become frequent and dev's were notified in case of any issues.
If you are going to use Jenkins for a Java Spring boot project then install the below in your machine
Installation Procedure
Refer the below procedure in case of a Windows OS
In case of a mac OS, jenkins (msi file) can be downloaded using the below link
Install the latest version
brew install jenkins-lts
To start the Jenkins service
brew services start jenkins-lts
After installing, unlike Windows, Mac OS will not show the admin password. I faced the same issue and followed the below procedure to get the password
Navigate to cd /Users/mac
Go to the secrets folder cd .jenkins/secrets
View the content inside the password file by using cat initialAdminPassword
After the above steps, go to localhost:8080 and enter the admin password. (8080 is the default port)
Select "Install suggested plugins" and wait for it to complete in the Customize Jenkins page and provide all the required details like user-id/email etc. in next page
Yah--ooo, now you can start using Jenkins.
Create a new job
Create a new github repository
Go to Jenkins homepage -> Click on New Item -> Enter name as "Spring Jenkins" (or any custom name)
Select Github project in the options and provide the URL (repository that was created in step 1)
Select Source Code Management as Git and provide the credentials of the jenkins in username and password.
Select the branch (Main/feature branch)
Build Triggers and Build Environment are respectively used to define schedules for the build and what is supposed to happen after the build.
Under the Build Steps, select Maven/Gradle and then give the goal as install which will execute each time a build is triggered in Jenkins.
In the post-build Actions, can define steps to send an email/publish tests accordingly.
To run a Jenkins Build
Go to Jenkins Dashboard -> navigate to the project -> click "Build Now"
If you run into any issues like "the then the below link would help
Start and stop Jenkins
Try the below commands if you are stuck with an issue in Jenkins and need to start/stop in Mac
brew services stop jenkins-lts
brew services start jenkins-lts